Aurora Engaged
Pause & Think!
Aurora Town Council must pause and think about spending $60-million of taxpayers money on its Library Square development dream.
Only three councillors and the mayor agree with the proposal to have the town 100% finance this questionable project: Mayor Mrakas, Councillors Thompson, Kim and Humfryes.
Join us Tuesday evening (August 25) to let the mayor and councillors know that now is not the time for this project.
Click here to learn more about tonight's protest.
Who We Are
We're a group of local citizens asking Town Council to pause and think before spending $60+ million of Aurora taxpayers' money on the Library Square project.
The federal government has said "no" to funding this project. The provincial government has said "no" to funding this project.
Why is Council proceeding?
In these uncertain economic times, we are asking Council to pause this project and think whether Aurora should spend this money when the affect of COVID-19 on our Town finances are unknown.
We are asking Council to pause this project and undertake a fulsome business case and Needs Analysis. We are asking to more widely consult with the public.
Arts and Culture are important to Aurora. Let's not spend taxpayers' money on a project that doesn't best suit the needs of the community.
A sampling of recent media attention.
The poll at right is from a recent Auroran.
The Auroran
Province says "no" to grant for Library Square
Town proposes $38 million line for credit to build Library Square
Library Square budget tops $51 million
The Aurora Banner
A Sensible Mayor in Guelph
Mayor wants to shelve $67M library after loss of funding ...
Get Engaged
Let the mayor and his supporting councillors know you are upset.
Only Mayor Mrakas and Councillors Humfreys, Kim and Thompson support the Library Square.
Contact all councillors today to let them know you think they should Pause & Think! Don't have the time to contact them all? We suggest you start with Councillor Humfreys:
Office: 905-727-3123 ext. 4266
Join concerned Aurora citizens Tuesday, August 25 at 6:15p.m. for a protest outside Town Hall. (With social distancing in place, of course!)
Since access to the meeting has been limited, we have to stay outside and make some noise so the councillors inside know what Aurora thinks about their Library Square project.